Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

It is after the Second Civil War which was fought over the right to life. The compromise which people live by afterward was that no child could be terminated prior to being born, but between ages thirteen and eighteen, for any cause, parents could have their child "unwound." All of their body parts would be used to mend the living, so they would still be alive and productive members of society. Connor, a teen with an edge, crossed the line for the last time and his parents signed his unwinding papers. Connor runs away and along the way meets Risa and Levi. Risa is a ward of the state and an accomplished musician, but not good enough. They can't afford her any longer, so she is to be unwound as well. Lev is the tenth child of a religious family. He was always destined to be unwound. In his escape, Connor kidnaps Lev who was going to be unwound willingly. Follow their journey as Connor and Risa attempt to find a place to stay safe until they are eighteen.

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